
  1. Крошка Джон

    Opencart [best-byte] Header Login Drop Down v.1.1

    Автор: best-byte Название: Header Login Drop Down v.1.1 This is a drop down login for the header login text and when logging in the customer stays on the page they are on. Make it easy for your customers to login to your store without having to leave the page they are on. * vQmod file for...
  2. Крошка Джон

    Opencart [tlecoding] Customer VIP Program 2.1

    Автор: tlecoding Название: Customer VIP Program 2.1 The customer VIP program module makes it possible to set up a discount rewards system for your customers based on their total spendings. It'll help increase your sales by offering your loyal customers discount on products and incentive to...
  3. Крошка Джон

    Opencart [privatemtx] Rewards Generator V2.3

    Автор: privatemtx Название: Rewards Generator V2.3 OC1.5 , OC2.x ,OC2.0 Every customer is looking for an extra gift that he can get. Products' reward points are the the perfect gift. This extension generates rewards points depending on price for each product and customer group and, also...
  4. Крошка Джон

    Opencart [Opencart] Automated Customer Care Messages(Request Review) — OC 2.X-1.5.X

    Автор: Opencart Название: Automated Customer Care Messages(Request Review) — OC 2.X-1.5.X Automated Customer Care Messages — Модуль дает возможность после совершения покупки автоматически отправить покупателю письмо — через определенное время с предложением скидки или выбором товара...
  5. Крошка Джон

    Opencart [] SMS NotificationTemplate Contact-Android or any Gateway v4.1.0

    Автор: Название: SMS NotificationTemplate Contact-Android or any Gateway v4.1.0 ● Customer notification by SMS: Notify customers by SMS when you update their orders from Order History page. You can associate an order status with a custom template. Notify clients by SMS on new...
  6. Крошка Джон

    [Magento] Amasty Out Of Stock Notification 1.4.0

    Автор: Magento Название: Amasty Out Of Stock Notification 1.4.0 Be aware of what products customers subscribe to - get more sales and improve customer service. Improve inventory turnaround and get more profit Build customer loyalty and increase customer satisfaction Subscribe to out-of stock...
  7. Крошка Джон

    [Magento] Outof Stock Notification1.5.5

    Автор: Magento Название: Outof Stock Notification1.5.5 Be aware of what products customers subscribe to - get more sales and improve customer service. Improve inventory turnaround and get more profit Build customer loyalty and increase customer satisfaction Subscribe to out-of stock options...
  8. Крошка Джон

    Customer Product Images v1.1.2

    Название: Customer Product Images v1.1.2 Let customers easily upload images for products and provide real-life examples of product usage. Let them take active part in the life of your business and benefit from it! Let customers upload images to product pages Reward people uploading images...
  9. Крошка Джон

    [Prestashop] Product Enquiry Form v2.0

    Автор: Prestashop Название: Product Enquiry Form v2.0 Prestashop Product Enquiry Form allows the customer to ask questions regarding the product they are interested or want to know about the product before they buy. By this they can contact to the store owner by email and ask their queries...
  10. Крошка Джон

    [Бизнес Молодость] 10 Лет преимуществ. Модуль 9 Customer service (сервис)

    Автор: Бизнес Молодость Название: 10 Лет преимуществ. Модуль 9 Customer service (сервис) КОНЦЕНТРАТ ОПЫТА, ЗНАНИЙ И ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ РАЗВИТИЯ БИЗНЕСА В США, КОТОРЫЕ ОБЕСПЕЧАТ ВАШЕ 10-ЛЕТНЕЕ ПРЕИМУЩЕСТВО ПЕРЕД КОНКУРЕНТАМИ. ВНИМАНИЕ! Тут только Модуль 9.Customer service Работа с клиентами, сервис...