
  1. Крошка Джон

    Opencart [opencart-market] Ask a question about this product v1.2

    Автор: opencart-market Название: Ask a question about this product v1.2 Ask a question about this product v1.2 Compatibility: v1.5.1.3, v1.5.2, v1.5.2.1, v1.5.3, v1.5.3.1, v1.5.4, v1.5.4.1, v1.5.5, v1.5.5.1, v1.5.6 What does it do: ---------------- This extension add a button in the...
  2. Крошка Джон

    Opencart [privatemtx] Rewards Generator V2.3

    Автор: privatemtx Название: Rewards Generator V2.3 OC1.5 , OC2.x ,OC2.0 Every customer is looking for an extra gift that he can get. Products' reward points are the the perfect gift. This extension generates rewards points depending on price for each product and customer group and, also...
  3. Крошка Джон

    Opencart [shambhal] Delivery Date Restricted Product

    Автор: shambhal Название: Delivery Date Restricted Product Модуль позволяет выставить ограничение на доставку товара в определенные дни (праздники, выходные и.т.д). Подробнее: Скачать: Скрытое содержимое
  4. Крошка Джон

    Opencart [karapuz] Restricted Product Access (Opencart 2)

    Автор: karapuz Название: Restricted Product Access (Opencart 2) Это расширение позволяет показать продукцию только определенным группам клиентов . Если пользователь не принадлежит к группе , для которой этот продукт доступен, то пользователь увидит » Доступ запрещен » страницу или короткую...
  5. Крошка Джон

    Opencart [Opencart] Product Option Image Pro 2

    Автор: Opencart Название: Product Option Image Pro 2 Подробнее: Скачать: Скрытое содержимое
  6. Крошка Джон

    Opencart [iSense] TrendingProducts 2.1.1

    Автор: iSense Название: TrendingProducts 2.1.1 TrendingProducts Display product purchasing trends Подробнее: Скачать: Скрытое содержимое
  7. Крошка Джон

    Opencart [karapuz] CSV Product Export 3.2.13

    Автор: karapuz Название: CSV Product Export 3.2.13 CSV Product Export The extension exports product data into a CSV file. Users may choose which columns to include into the file. There is the ability to export products from specified categories only. CSV files are easily viewed by...
  8. Крошка Джон

    Opencart [hawkey] Product Price In Currency

    Автор: hawkey Название: Product Price In Currency Product Price In Currency allows you to set product prices for every currency separately. Conversion rate will not be used to calculate price then. You can set all product prices - normal price, specials, discounts, option prices. If you will...
  9. Крошка Джон

    Opencart [WeDoWeb] Product Image Layers - 1.2.1

    Автор: WeDoWeb Название: Product Image Layers - 1.2.1 Do you: - Sell printed shirts, printed cases, wallpapers, stickers, decals etc or similar products? AND - Have multiple image or pattern options per product for your customers to select from? AND - Want the selected images/patterns to be...
  10. Крошка Джон

    Opencart [bull5-i] Custom Product Tabs PRO-2.4.0

    Автор: bull5-i Название: Custom Product Tabs PRO-2.4.0 * Add unlimited extra tabs * Custom sort them * Add default values * Have you ever needed an extra tab on the product page? If yes, then this mod can help you. With this modification you can add UNLIMITED number of extra tabs to product...
  11. Крошка Джон

    Opencart [iSense] PriceAlert 2.1.4 (for OpenCart 2.x)

    Автор: iSense Название: PriceAlert 2.1.4 (for OpenCart 2.x) Is there a product that you are interested in? But not on this price of course. Inspired by Amazon Price Tracker, PriceAlert from iSenseLabs helps your customers keep an eye of desired products and get notified when the price drops...
  12. Крошка Джон

    Opencart [iSense] iProductVideo 4.1.3 (for OpenCart 2.x)

    Автор: iSense Название: iProductVideo 4.1.3 (for OpenCart 2.x) iProductVideo is a light plug-and-play video module that allows you to add YouTube and Vimeo videos to your product images, so that when an image is clicked, the video pops up in an inline window. ✯ HTML5 Compatible Videos ✯ Add...
  13. Крошка Джон

    Opencart [iSense] ExcelPort - Full Product Data Excel Export / Import v2.2.1

    Автор: iSense Название: ExcelPort - Full Product Data Excel Export / Import v2.2.1 ExcelPort is a reliable tool to export all your product data into Excel file, edit it, and then import it again in OpenCart with the modified products. ExcelPort - модуль который позволяет делать импорт/экспорт...
  14. Крошка Джон

    Opencart [shambhal] Модуль Product Price filter OCmod

    Автор: shambhal Название: Модуль Product Price filter OCmod Price filter is an extension where you can filter products in a category within price range , it works on category page. It works correctly with the default opencart structure , developer shall not be responsible for non working if any...
  15. Крошка Джон

    Opencart [batrebb] The Out Of Stock Button - статус при нулевом остатке вместо кнопки "купить"

    Автор: batrebb Название: The Out Of Stock Button - статус при нулевом остатке вместо кнопки "купить" The Out Of Stock Button (OOSButton) is an extension that replace the "Add to Cart" buttons with their associated product stock statuses, and disable its function to adding the cart. This mod...
  16. Крошка Джон

    Opencart [cmerry] ADV Profit Module v4.5 (product costs, profit, margin, markup)

    Автор: cmerry Название: ADV Profit Module v4.5 (product costs, profit, margin, markup) DV Customers + Profit Report is must-have report if you are looking for a complete solution to calculate and display customer sales data, revenue, expenses and profit in OpenCart environment. This report is...
  17. Крошка Джон

    Opencart [iSense] LabelMaker - Professional Product Image Labeler

    Автор: iSense Название: LabelMaker - Professional Product Image Labeler LabelMaker allows you to add highly configurable labels/stickers/corner images to your products. For the first time in OpenCart, you can add, rotate, edit and move stickers/labels to any product without using any third...
  18. Крошка Джон

    Opencart [bull5-i] SimilarProductsv3.2.1oc1.5.1.3-1.5.4.xvQmod

    Автор: bull5-i Название: SimilarProductsv3.2.1oc1.5.1.3-1.5.4.xvQmod What does it do? Similar Products modification enables you to (automatically) link products to each other and show their relation/connection separately from the related products feature. It works just like related products...
  19. Крошка Джон

    Opencart [opencart-market] Ask a question about this product

    Автор: opencart-market Название: Ask a question about this product This extension add a button in products pages, called "Ask a question about this product", or whatever you want to name it. This button is linked to a page with a form through which the costumers may send information about them...
  20. Крошка Джон

    Opencart [Opencart] Unlimited Product Color Option

    Автор: Opencart Название: Unlimited Product Color Option Скачать: Скрытое содержимое
  21. Крошка Джон

    WordPress [] 32 Woocommerce Extensions + Updates

    Автор: Название: 32 Woocommerce Extensions + Updates Extend WooCommerce Our extensions can enable you to extend your store to include specific functionality or integrate with third party services. В данный пакет вошли плагины: woocommerce-account-funds...
  22. Крошка Джон

    WordPress [codecanyon] Display Product v2.1.0 - настраиваемый вывод товаров для WooCommerce

    Автор: codecanyon Название: Display Product v2.1.0 - настраиваемый вывод товаров для WooCommerce Display Product – Multi-Layout for WooCommerce – Wordpress плагин для отображения ваших WooCommerce товаров в разных видах. Плагин может отобразить ваш контент в виде: Сетки, списка, таблиц...
  23. Крошка Джон

    [Magento] Search Autocomplete V 1.4.4

    Автор: Magento Название: Search Autocomplete V 1.4.4 Zero Seconds Delay Search Results & Product Suggestions For Magento® Instantly autocomplete search queries in your Magento® webshop Show product suggestions on customer's first key press Two slick search results dropdown menu themes Choose...
  24. Крошка Джон

    [Magento] Magic Scroll

    Автор: Magento Название: Magic Scroll Practical yet simple image scroll Images can link to other pages Let your customers examine your goods like in real life Display unlimited product images on your product pages. Подробнее: Скачать: Скрытое содержимое
  25. Крошка Джон

    [Magento] Quick Product Creation

    Автор: Magento Название: Quick Product Creation L’extension Quick Product Creation permet de créer rapidement vos produits : vous pouvez décider quelles sont les informations à saisir et quelles sont les valeurs par défaut pour les attributs des produits. Подробнее: Скачать: Скрытое...
  26. Крошка Джон

    [Magento] Advanced Product Options v4.17.7

    Автор: Magento Название: Advanced Product Options v4.17.7 Custom option templates Dependent/ independent custom options Custom options inventory Custom option images/ Color Swatch Price management for custom options Custom options for different customer groups Weight and Cost for Magento...
  27. Крошка Джон

    [Magento] Magento Search Suite extension v1.3.0

    Автор: Magento Название: Magento Search Suite extension v1.3.0 Integration with Sphinx, Solr and xSearch Smart Search Autocorrect 3 search accuracy options Customizable AJAX-based search autocomplete Results from CMS pages, static blocks, catalog categories Related searches Search by a...
  28. Крошка Джон

    [Magento] Extended Product Grid with Editor v4.12.18

    Автор: Magento Название: Extended Product Grid with Editor v4.12.18 Add the necessary product attributes and edit product data on the product grid to immensely increase time efficiency of your catalog management process. Extend product grid with any attributes e.g. brand, cost, etc. Edit...
  29. Крошка Джон

    [Magento] Product Manager Toolkit v1.4.0

    Автор: Magento Название: Product Manager Toolkit v1.4.0 The success of your online store largely depends on how quick and efficient product management operations are. If you spend lots of time and efforts while managing the products – it’s high time to use Product Manager Toolkit. Extend...
  30. Крошка Джон

    [Magento] Mass Product Actions v1.7.1

    Автор: Magento Название: Mass Product Actions v1.7.1 Get a set of tools for efficient product management. Change prices in bulk, assign categories, relate products, and much more in just a few clicks. Product management becomes nice and easy with Mass Product Actions Magento extension...